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Potato Genomics

As co-lead of the Genome Canada "Canadian Potato Genome Project" in 2001, we created many resources for potato genomics, including EST sequences, a large activation tagged population, and contributed to the sequencing of the potato genome.


Our current research is focused on the following:

1. Gene discovery based on activation tagged lines related to tuber quality and potato disease

2. Investigating the impact of abiotic stress, such as heat, on the development of potato tubers



Selected Publications

Li, X.-Q., Griffiths, R., De Koeyer, D., Rothwell, C., Gustafson, V., Regan, S., and Flinn, B. (2008) Functional genomic resources for potato. Can. J. Plant Sci. 88: 573-581

Duguay, J.M., Li, X.-Q., and Regan, S. (2007) The potential for genomics in potato improvement. CAB Rev: Persp. Agri. Vet. Sci. Nutr. Nat. Res. No. 2075, 20 13 pp.

Chakravarty, B., Wang-Pruski, G., Flinn, B., and Regan, S. (2007) Genetic transformation of potato: approaches and strategies. Amer. J. Potato Res. 84:301-311.

Li, X.-Q., Griffiths, R., Lagüe, M., DeKoeyer, D., Rothwell, C., Haroon, M., Stevens, B., Xu, C., Gustafson, V., Bonierbale, M., Regan S., and Flinn, B. (2007) EST Sequencing and Analysis from Cold-Stored and Reconditioned Potato Tubers Acta Horticulturae 745:491-495.

Gustafson, V., Mallubhotla, S., MacDonnell, J., Sanyal-Bagchi, M., Chakravarty, B., Wang-Pruski, G., Rothwell, C., Audy, P., De Koeyer, D., Siahbazi, M., Flinn, B., and Regan, S. (2006) Transformation and Plant Regeneration from Leaf Explants of Solanum tuberosum L. cv. ‘Shepody’ Plant Cell Tissue Organ Cult. 85:361.

Regan, S., Gustafson, V., Mallubhotla, S., Chakravarty, B., Bagchi, M., Siahbazi, M.,  Rothwell, C., Sardana, R., Goyer, C., Audy, P., Li, X.-Q., Wang-Pruski, G., De Koeyer, D., and Flinn, B. (2005) Finding the perfect potato: using functional genomics to improve disease resistance and tuber quality traits Can. J. Plant Path., 28:1-9.

Flinn, B., Rothwell, C., Griffiths, R., Lägue, M., De Koeyer, D., Sardana, R., Audy, P., Goyer, C., Li, X.-Q., Wang-Pruski, G., and Regan, S. (2005) Potato Expressed Sequence Tag Generation and Analyses Using Standard and Unique cDNA Libraries. Plant Mol. Biol., 59: 407-433.

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